Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bunnies already?

Last thing I knew I was here before Christmas and now look, there are bulbs poking thru the ground. We just got back from a neighborhood Easter Fest where the bunny himself made an appearance and even helped with a pinata! Thank you for sharing to the wonderful families who get together to make their street so much fun!

Yes, if you live in the East End that was my daughter screaming above a street full of families 'Follow me guys! I know where the Easter Bunny is!' I have no idea when or how she got that loud.

The shops been busy. If you haven't been in a while we have a new Spring online 'window' and some wonderful new products to share, many selected to enjoy along with the impending warm weather and all, as always, kind to the planet. It was warm a few days ago wasn't it? Or was that a dream?

Piggy Paints have arrived, natural nail polishes for kids in great colours like Girls Rule pink and Mac-n-Cheese orange. Forever Fancy turns out to be my daughters favorite. As for my son - he has been seen sporting some metallic green Ice Cream Dream - the little dude wanted his nails done like his big sis and thought it was cool that his fingers would match his toy cars, what can I say? We all agreed that Ice Cream Dream also made for cool Dragon nails.

For bigger kids and adults we have new flying discs made from recycled plastics made by Green Toys of California. These Ecosaucers weigh in at about 130 grams and they are rumored to make for great tricks and b-golf discs.

Come on nice weather!

With it being Easter we are making silk dyed Easter eggs at home. A great idea we found on Twitter. We picked up some ties and scarves at second hand shops this week.
We've tried a few, the bunny tie that we were all excited about might just be too pale to work real well but we will keep you posted. Just gotta get some more eggs!

Thanks for stopping by and till next time BHappy folks :)

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